Cuban Pizza! In Havana, you can get just about any kind of food you want.

Sign showing support for Raul and Fidel Castro. It seems people love them as much as they hate them there. Most of the Cubans I met said they did not want to leave, but realized that Cuba had many problems. The main concern was that they wish they were free to do more things, but were overall pretty happy with the situation. Not one person understood why the US had blocked off relations with them :( We need to open up!

This is a church that was right down the street from where we stayed in Barrio Chino.

Cuban kid clowning around. Everywhere you go people are smiling and joking around. Despite the poverty and how run down everything is, people are incredibly happy. Just goes to show that money is not everything!

This is a shot from the touristy downtown area at night.

Behind the scenes at a pharmacy. I got to take these pictures when I went to pick a friend up from work. Accounting done the old fashioned way. . . no computers. I barely saw any computers the whole trip.

This is the Cuban accounting system. All paper, no machines.

Our friend Sergito getting down on the drums. He was an excellent musician that carried the true Cuban flavor...music is life!

One day I left the house with no money. When I went, I figured I could cash in some Argentinean and Dominican pesos I had, but assumed wrong. Because of this, I barely had any money while I was in Cuba. This woman heard my story and bought me lunch. Incredible how kind the Cuban people are, they really know how to take care of one another.
We could learn something from them!

I saw this one day when I was walking around. Not sure what it was as I only caught the tail end of it, if anyone knows, please send an email to tutors.bl@gmail.com!

This building could use a little help. Once Cuba and the U.S. are back on good terms, I predict a massive explosion in renovation projects!