Friday, January 19, 2007

El alfabeto

El alfabeto

The Spanish alphabet is different than ours. There are in fact 30 recognized characters. On top of this, they are pronounced differently.

a - a
b - be (largo)
c - ce
ch - che
d - de
e - e
f - efe
g - ge (pronounced like an h)
h - hache (H's are silent)
i - i
j - jota (pronounced like hota)
k - ka
l - ele
ll - elle
m - eme
n - ene
ñ - eñe (pronounced like enye)
o - o
p - pe
q - cu
r - ere
rr - erre (They say that they send kids to school as soon as they learn how to roll the r's!)
s - ese
t - te
u - u
v - be (corto)
w - doble be
x - equis
y - i griega
z - zeta


Ch and Ll may or may not be treated as separate letters in dictionaries.

Here is a video to help with this:

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