Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Learning English as a Second Language

Most people who learn English as a Second Language take it with a specific purpose in mind. Usually this purpose is to communicate with other English speaking people in their everyday or business lives. English is the most widely used form of verbal communication in the modern world and is the most broadly taught language throughout different school systems all over the world. Learning English is beneficial to anyone who lives in an English speaking country like the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada. Being able to speak the official language will not only help you with daily routines but it usually makes a huge difference in terms of employment as well.

People living within a country where English is spoken will have a hard time keeping up with things in their community if they do not know how to speak the language. This can involve simple acts like reading the direction on the back of box, watching TV or surfing the internet, reading street signs, communicating with the general public, and locating the bare essentials of life. Verbal communication is next to impossible without at least a basic understanding of a language. Although in some English speaking countries you may be able to get through some non verbal barriers, it will ultimately be hard to meet new people and make connections without learning the language.

Current statistics say that there are over 1.5 billion people who speak English and about a billion more that are in the process of learning it. These numbers are so high because of the inclination English has on the business world. In most cases English is considered to be the universal language of business. In fact, almost all international conferences are conducted in this language as most diplomats and politicians speak English. In addition to the political nature of the language, English is also the predominant language of the arts as well. There are more publications written in English than in any other language in the world. This means knowing English can provide you with endless opportunities for knowledge and learning.

Getting ahead in business is perhaps the most beneficial reason to learn English as a second language. If you are living in place where English is spoken and you cannot communicate with the general public it will be very hard for you to excel further than an entry level position. Many people travel to countries like the United States and United Kingdom in search of better life, do not sell yourself or your dream short and make the best out the opportunity by learning English today!

Interested taking ESL classes in Denver or learning another language? Bolder Languages is a language school that offers a variety of instruction including french, italian and spanish classes in Denver.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Benefits of Learning A New Language

Time after time, studies have shown that students who are bilingual perform much better when it comes to academic tests than their counterparts who are monolingual. They perform significantly better in areas related to communication such as public speaking and written expression. They also have the ability to grasp concepts that are technical or mechanical quickly and thoroughly. The training that they go through in learning a new language provides their minds with the ability to see the big picture as well as the little details that make up the big picture.

The brain is constantly stimulated because of the interaction between the first language and the new language and attempts to think of the brain much like a muscle that gains strength and better performance through repeated exercise. This beneficial effect is multiplied if the training is of long duration. In fact, the process helps to reduce the risk of degeneration to the brain. There is any number of social benefits associated with the learning of a new language.

For instance, employers have a high regard for employees who are constantly striving to improve themselves and learning a new language is a good way of impressing your employer. In today’s globally integrated world, you can improve the chances of getting a good job considerably if you can communicate fluently in more than one language. An employer can make good use of your linguistic skills in attempting to penetrate new markets and expand the geographical scope of the business.
By far the most important benefit to be had from learning a new language is the increased self-confidence and a heightened sense of self-esteem it brings to you. After all the effort and hard work that you have put in, there is an unmatched sense of accomplishment when you begin to communicate directly and accurately in your new language. You will also generate a unique opportunity to broaden your understanding of the new culture that is associated with your new language. In fact, you may often find that a new language helps you to better appreciate the finer points of your first language as well as the culture in which you are born.

You can open the doors to meeting a large number of new and interesting people because it is much easier to establish a rapport if you can speak their language. Traveling to the countries that speak your new language will give you a matchless opportunity to broaden your worldview and make you a far more rounded person. To be sure, you have to be serious about your endeavor, but if you put in a lot of hard work, you will definitely find that the results are worthwhile.

If you are an English as a second language  (ESL) student, Bolder Languages offers English classes in Denver. We also offer Spanish classes in Denver and a variety of other language learning opportunities.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Consejos para estudiar Inglés

1.)  Flashcards - Escriba todo el vocabulario nuevo en un lado con la traducción en la espalda. Practica estos por lo menos diez minutos al día, cambiando de un lado al otro.

2.)   ¡Practique hablando cada vez que puedaLe sorprenderá las oportunidades en que se encuentra con alguien que habla el idioma que está aprendiendo. Tome ventaja de esto.  Lo más practique, lo más se siente comodo.
3.)   Sea paciente y no se siente frustrado. Ha aprendido a hablar Español, y usted puede aprender a hablar el nuevo idiomaLo difícil de aprender un nuevo idioma es que no está capaz de comunicarse.  Será más fácil con tiempo, ¡así por favor no deje de intentar!

4.)   Trabaja conjuntamente con sus compañeros, tutor, padres y maestros.  Todos están para ayudar, y con todo es importante desarrollar una red de apoyoPida palabras de aliento y estar abierto a las sugerencias y las maneras de hacer las cosas mejor.

5.)  Priorizar y planificar. Asegúrese de que comprende bien para cuando debe la tarea y cuando las pruebas se les dará. También asegúrese de informar a su tutor de estas fechas.
6.)   Organización - Asegúrese de que sabe dónde están sus documentos importantes, libros y recursosMantenga su lugar de estudio tranquilo y limpio para que pueda concentrarse en sus estudios.

7.)   Escribir, leer y hablar en voz alta. Muchos estudios muestran que hay que hacer una combinación de estos por lo menos 4 veces antes de ser capaz de memorizar vocabulario nuevo y reglas gramaticales.

8.)   No se demore - uno debe tratar de hacer la tarea tan pronto como se les da en lugar de esperar hasta el último minuto.

9.)   Hable con su profesor. Trate de llegar a clase temprano o quedarse despues tan a menudo como sea posible, haciendo preguntas e informarle de sus esfuerzos. A veces simplemente mostrando el esfuerzo puede hacer un profesor más indulgente que sería si no.

10.)   Participe en clase. Haga preguntas, conteste preguntas, y se sientan en la primera fila. La apariencia es importante también, así que vístase profesionalmente y esté bien preparado como si estuviera en el trabajo. Trate de hacer amigos con otros estudiantes que están haciendo bien y pedir ayuda.

Good reasons to study Spanish in Denver

Spanish is not only a romantic language that has a rich history; it is thriving modern language that can be used as a tool to propel your future.  In fact it is the second most natively spoken language in the world next to Mandarin Chinese.  This means that there are approximately 400-500 million people all over the world that speak Spanish.  

Learning Spanish is beneficial to people for many different reasons including travel, business, education, and everyday life.  If you live in a place where Spanish is the second most widely spoken language, like in the United States, oftentimes knowing Spanish is a practical employment skill. Learning Spanish is also a fantastic way to meet new people and immerse yourself in a rich culture.

Spanish is one of the official Romance languages that was named for its origin in Spain.  Because Spanish is spoken in so many different countries, Spanish dialects vary from place to place. The traditional Spanish that is taught is called Castilian Spanish.  This form of Spanish teaches all the fundamentals of the language including formal and informal tenses and verb conjugation.  Castilian Spanish is the basis for all other Spanish dialects which means once you learn it you will be able to communicate with just about any Spanish speaking person on at least a formal level.

The Spanish language is an ancient language that is part of the Ibero-Romance group.  This group evolved over time from a variety of different spoken Latin dialects. The Spanish language moved in to the Americas, Africa, and the Asian Pacific due to the expansion of the Spanish Empire. Trade between nations made learning Spanish essential early on in North America. It is still a valuable resource as it connects many people with different lives living within the same community.

Knowing Spanish is absolutely essential for international business relations as it is the second most used language for international communication, third used on the internet, and most studied language in the United States.

In addition to the career benefits, knowing Spanish will help you know your neighbors better.  Building a strong community is made easier when communication barriers are broken down.

 Learning Spanish is something that anyone can do no matter what age they are. In fact, small children sometimes have an easier time picking it up than adults. With that being said Spanish is considered a fairly simple language to learn and can be practiced in a school setting or at home.

Are you interesting in taking Spanish classes in Denver? Consider Bolder Languages, a World Languages School in Denver, Colorado and can help you learn Spanish, French, Portugese, Italian and a variety of other languages.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

How Learning A Language and New Culture Can Help In International Business

There is no doubt that doing business internationally requires a thorough understanding of other cultures There is also no doubt that without learning the language, it is difficult to gain deep insights and appreciation into the cultures of other countries.  Knowing the language and understanding the culture can help you to be far more effective in your international business relationships and prevents you from being insulting or reserved without meaning to be.  Because of deep rooted differences between cultural practices, something you do with the best of intentions could turn out to be completely counterproductive.

This is best illustrated by a concrete example. We all know how important China is on the international business map and how important it is to do business with them. However, when President George Bush of the United States gave a gift to the Prime Minister of China, Li Peng, the gift was a pair of cowboy boots decorated with the flags of America and China. You may think that this is a thoughtful gift embodying the traditional culture of America but the reality of the situation was entirely different. Unfortunately, the Chinese consider the soles of the feet to be the lowliest region of the body and a gift of footwear is considered a significant faux pas. This was a significant oversight on the part of American diplomats.

Naturally, international business involves a lot more than learning another language but there’s no doubt that this facilitates the process of understanding. For instance, if you are looking to do business in the Middle East, the basis of establishing a rock solid relationship is not to look to legal language or contracts. Indeed the legal system in many countries in this region is both slow and inconsistent and there is a perception that Americans are unduly legalistic. What you need to do is to establish a rapport with your counterpart at every stage and this involves both knowledge of the language and the culture.

Modern methods of communication such as e-mail rob you of some of the traditional cues such as body language to understand how your counterpart is thinking and reacting. Language spoken face-to-face often produces valuable cues such as eye contact and intonation. For instance, if you are e-mailing a Japanese businessman, you would be wise not to use the casual language that prevails in modern communication such as greeting the recipient with “Hi”. Instead you should be extremely formal in your communication and, avoiding the use of first names, address the recipient by his last name followed by the word “San”.

If you have been looking to take Spanish Classes in Denver or learn another language, consider Bolder Languages. Our Denver language school is specifically catered to helping you learn the language of your choice in the best way possible.

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