Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Bi-Lingual Beginner Salsa Class and Open Dance in Denver

When: Saturday, May 15, 2010 7:00 PM

Motion En Fuego
2828 N Speer Blvd #101
Denver, CO 80211

This will be a fun night. I'm combining this meetup event with folks from the Denver Free Spanish Network Meetup group. A fellow instructor, Mauricio Leon will be assisting me with teaching the class. He'll be teaching in Spanish and I'll be teaching in English. I think this will be a fun way to brush up on your Spanish as well as learn Salsa at the same time. Salsa and Spanish go together like PB & J! cool We'll provide some food and drink but feel free to BYOB or BYOFood. We'll do the class from 7:30 - 8:30 and dance until 9pm after the class. Anyone interested in dancing more after that can head over to La Rumba! Hope to see you there!

The Details:

* 7:00pm- Doors open - Mingle, eat, drink, etc
* 7:30-8:30pm - Salsa class en Espanol and English
* 8:30-9pm - Open dance, mingle, eat, drink
* Cost: $10/person

Learn more here:

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